Friday, June 6, 2014

Fake bacon, is that blasphemy?

One of the things I don't want to live without, bacon.  I have found some bacon alternatives. Some are good, some

Fakin' Bacon
Morning Star Farms Bacon
Homemade Bacon Tempeh
Tofurky Smoky Maple Bacon.

Homemade Bacon Tempeh

I decided tor try out making my own and playing with the flavors. I got a pecan flavored liquid smoke.  

 I've not used Tempeh before. So I have no idea what it is like or how to use it.  So I sliced them like small thick slices of bacon.
 Mixed up the marinade in a bowl.

 I let it marrinade in a plastic baggie for a few hours.

 It did soak up pretty well.

After frying on one side and dumping the marinade in the pan.  It did get a lot more color to it.
 It does have a smoky smell.  Some garlic and onion powder would have been nice.  And maybe some black pepper to make it like a peppered bacon.

But it did have  good taste of bacon.  Not the texture of bacon however.  I will be trying this again.

I give homemade bacon a 5 out of 10.

MorningStar Farms Bacon Strips

No matter what anyone says, this isn't even close to be like bacon.  It's chewy and has not much of a taste.  Other than smoke or burned maybe.  I won't be buying this again myself.

As far as bacon, this gets a 2 out of 10.  Only reason it got a 2 is because it looks like bacon.  Taste and texture suck.

Fakin Bacon

I found this at a local health food store and decided to give it a try.

It smells like bacon.  It has a nice smoky scent.

 It does fry up well.  It holds together pretty well.  I only had one piece stick to the pan and break.
6 out of 10 for this bacon.
 This is a bit thinner then the one I made and crisps up pretty well.  It still has an odd texture, but the flavor is there.  It is a close bacon substitute.

Tofurky Smoky Maple Bacon.  I have to admit, I have very low expectations at this point.

 The photo doesn't show the strips very well.  So this worries me.  It does have a smoky maple smell, so that is a good sign.

It fries up really well.  Perfect size and smells.  It smells pretty close to bacon.  I made a bacon sandwich.  And it was really good.  This is actually the best bacon out of the tempeh style.

8.5 out of 10 for this one
Lastly I have one made from seitan.

I find the look of it odd.  It reminds me of gyro meat. 
6 out of 10 for pure texture.  

It fries up very well. It has no smell to it and really no taste.  I liked the texture of it, so I think I will have to try to make my own bacon from seitan.

I will be examining some other meat substitutes next.  Lunch meat, Veggie burgers and sausage.

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